Kelcy Warren is an award-winning business executive with many impressive accomplishments. He built Energy Transfer from scratch. It is now one of the largest and most diversified publicly traded energy partnership portfolios in the United States. Warren has also earned a place in the Texas Business Hall of Fame and the Ammys Hall of Fame. Business and energy organizations recognize the many contributions he’s made to his field. Even so, he’s never forgotten his humble roots. Warren failed his first year at UT Arlington as he struggled to adjust from small-town living to living on his own. However, after coming back the following year, an engineering professor took Warren under his wing and encouraged him to work on a project that helped Warren earn a reward and rebuild his faltering self-esteem. Kelcy Warren has made periodic donations to UT Arlington to express his thanks for the role the university played in helping him become the person he is today. Even so, his most recent donation of $12 million is the largest the university has ever received.

Warren’s gratitude isn’t the only reason he is giving back to UT Arlington in a big way. As a businessman, he has long been aware of the need to provide specialized training and a top-tier education to young people in his home state. “Texas faces a critical need for highly skilled graduates who can manage energy resources”, he recently stated. He points out that his donation will be used to fund new programs in recourse and energy engineering (REE).

UT Arlington Explains How it Will Use the Funds

UT Arlington has expressed deep gratitude for Warren’s donation. It has also provided a detailed explanation of how the university will use the donation. UTA will create an Endowed Professorship in Resource and Energy Engineering named after Mr. Warren. It will create two fellowships in the same field. It will also offer fellowship support for students who graduate with a degree in engineering and who want to pursue a career in energy engineering. Furthermore, it will also use some of the money for lab space and equipment designed to help students explore solutions to current energy challenges. A new Career Experience Center will give engineering undergraduates a chance to learn by experience. It will also enable them to take part in internships and co-ops. Additionally, the donation will also support student research. This will help undergraduates receive the preparation they need to succeed in energy-related jobs.

At the same time, UTA has made another exciting announcement. The university is launching a brand-new bachelor’s degree program in Resource and Energy Engineering. No other university in the United States offers a program of this nature. The program will teach students how to apply engineering principles to designing and developing energy generation, storage, conversion, and distribution. It will also teach about the operation evaluation of energy generation. Furthermore, it will provide instruction on both traditional and renewable energy sources. This will prepare students for current jobs and the many new “green energy” jobs expert believe will be created in the coming years.

Kelcy Warren is in a unique position to understand UT Arlington’s needs. As a university student from a poor background, he understands the challenges many students face in getting accustomed to university life and learning to master the study material. As a businessman, he knows how important it is to train students in energy engineering so that they’ll have the skillset needed to succeed upon graduation. He also knows that business owners and entrepreneurs will appreciate having a pool of local talent available. Access to more talent will help them expand current operations and launch new ventures. What’s more, Warren sits on UT Arlington’s board of regents. Thus, he’s familiar with how the university operates. He knows how much money it needs to launch needed new ventures. His most recent donation of $12 million is sure to be remembered for years to come. This isn’t only because the new fellowship and professorship will be named after him. It’s also because thousands of students from all walks of life will benefit from new study opportunities and ensuing career opportunities afforded by Warren’s generosity. 

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By Manali